Our Services
wash - detail - sandblast - paint
We offer our services to everyone. Whether you want to sell a piece in a Ritchie Bros. auction or just get a new paint job we are here for you. We do both Non-Auction and Auction work.
We offer our services to everyone. Whether you want to sell a piece in a Ritchie Bros. auction or just get a new paint job we are here for you. We do both Non-Auction and Auction work.
Every piece of equipment we work on goes through our wash crew. They make sure the machine is clean for sandblasting and sanding.
Our washing crew uses pressure washer guns to get all the dirt and grime off even the dirtiest of machines.
De-identifying company trucks in order for them to be sold without branding. Our crew uses torches to aid them in removing the decals. Heating the decals allows us to remove them without leaving behind any glue or other residue.
We de-identify company trucks in order for them to be sold without branding.
Sanding is an integral part of the painting process. This stage helps the paint stick to your machine and gives it a beautiful finish.